Article focus

If you want to improve your reading then building a class around an article is a great way to do

this. Here is how article based classes usually work:

Of course, feel free to choose articles that you would like to work with from anywhere on the internet.

However, here are some of my favourite places to find articles:

If you're not sure where to start, start here :

📌 You choose an article before our call then we can both read it before our call starts.

📌 We can begin our call by discussing any confusing vocabulary or grammar in the article.

📌 We discuss any new vocabulary from the article.

📌 We move into a conversation around the topic of the article.


Engoo: Daily news

Engoo is my favorite place to go for articles to base classes around. Each article is rated from 1 to 10 depending on how hard the vocabulary and grammar are. They all start off with some useful vocabulary and then finish with discussion questions. If you want to work with articles, definitely start here.

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Business and marketing


One of my favourite places to go to for business news, it also has great sections on leadership and startups.

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Entrepreneur is a great place to find both articles about business building and leadership.

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Growth Design

One of the best websites for UI / UX design I've found. Great case studies on UX and UI design presented in an easy to understand way and supported by real psychology.

click here

Hinge Marketing

The "Hinge Marketing" blog is a consistently great place to find discussion and advice around personal and professional marketing.

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CNBC Make it

Fantastic short articles about money, work, and success. Especially their "how I spend" articles. Definitely a website worth exploring.

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Computing and IT

Computing UK

Computing is the UK's leading business technology publication for IT leaders.

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Computer World

Computerworld focuses on empowering enterprise users and their managers, to create business advantage with up to date industry news.

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MIT Computing news

Less industry, more bleeding edge focussed computing news. You can be sure that everything you find here will be interesting!

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The Next Web

Less industry, more bleeding edge focussed computing news. You can be sure that everything you find here will be interesting!

click here


BBC News

Known around the world for their up to the minute and wide ranging reporting. The BBC has one of the world's most reliable news outlets.

click here

The Guardian

A UK based newspaper with a great website. One of my personal favourite news outlets.

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The Associated Press

"The AP reports" is heard daily on news channels around the world. Reliable, global, and neutral, the AP is a great source for up to date news.

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The Conversation

The Conversation is a unique collaboration between academics and journalists that in a decade has become the world’s leading publisher of research-based news and analysis.

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Everything else


It's a website about space, but then you probably guessed that. News and research from across the topic, this website is always a fascinating place to check in from time to time.

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Barking up the wrong tree

If you're generally looking to get better at how you live your life and how you understand people then Eric Barker has created one of the best repositories of useful information on the internet.

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National Geographic

Known for its photojournalism, National Geographic is one of the most widely read magazines of all time. Focussing on nature, anthropology, travel, science, and the environment.

Philosophy Now

Philosophy Now is a magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It contains articles on all aspects of Western philosophy and some eastern. My degree is in philosophy so I'm always happy to talk about it with you!

Psychology Today

One of the world’s largest mental health and behavioural science websites. It's a worldwide destination for information about psychology and mental health authored by experts.

Positive psychology

A fantastic blog with hundreds of articles related to psychology.

Future of Working

A leading leadership and career blog with hundreds of fantastic articles related to the workplace, career, and leadership.

The Verge

The Verge is an ambitious multimedia effort founded in 2011 to examine how technology will change life in the future for a massive mainstream audience.

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If you have any more places I can find great articles please feel free to let me know!