Business English

This is a list of all the ‘Business English’ classes for which I have materials prepared. Feel free to request the materials for any of these topics in advance of a call. If there’s something that you would like to discuss that I don’t have materials for yet, let me know and I’d be happy to make a new set of materials. If you'd like to find out more about how we can use these resources to improve your English then please feel free to click here and book a call with me.

To download a sample class, click here to see what my class on 'planning' looks like.


Defending your ideas

Speaking up when you have something to say is important, but what about when people disagree with it! Let's talk about it.



✅ These are consistently the most requested business English classes that I offer.

Meetings part 1
Meetings part 2
Prioritising Deciding what's important
Professional success
Team work and collaboration
Decision making and risk
Colleagues and professional relationships
Responsiveness How quickly do you respond?


Leading meetings
Resilience Dealing with challenges at work.
Being a good manager
Empathy Helping other people facing challenges.
Innovation Finding new ways of working
Motivating a team maintaining morale
Amazon leadership principles
Managing change
Crisis management



Failure and blame
Asking for support
Personal integrity
Imposter syndrome
Hustle culture
Business ethics



Budget planning making decisions about money
How to disagree
Defending your ideas
On the phone
Taking payments
Conflict resolution
Giving feedback
Time management
Business development
The review process
Formal communication
Conference conversations


DEI: Diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Remote working
The future of work
Small businesses
Working abroad
Work-life balance
Marketplace competition
Difficult market conditions
Business ethics


General marketing
Digital marketing
Market research
Product design
Product pricing


If there's a topic you'd like to like to work with that I don't have here then please let me know.
I'm always happy to make new materials!