Phrasal verbs and idioms.

For people who speak English as a second language idioms and phrasal verbs are often the final thing to learn. There are thousands of them and if you're looking for a great way to add new vocabulary and more native ways to express yourself then adding some phrasal verbs or idioms can be a great place to start.

📌 Add up to 5 phrasal verbs or idioms to your vocabulary in every class. Practice using them in context with reading, sentence building, gap fills, and other exercises.

📌 If you want, you can choose a situation or scenario in advance of our call and I can choose a class which contains phrasal verbs or idioms that would be useful to you in that situation.

Here are the groups of phrasal verbs that we can study:

Wipe Off | Stay Out Of | Clean Up | Take In | Look Up

Rip Off |Wear Out |Pull Out | Turn Out | Catch On

Call Around | Catch Up | Give In | Show Off | Work Out

Get Along | Back Out | Go For | Find Out | Wear Down

Sort Out | Settle For | Count On | Fall Behind | Do Over

Keep Up | Stick To | Take Back | Cut Out | Go With

Take Apart | Blow Up | Go Back | Pass Up | Use Up

Doze Off | Hand In | Set Up | Stay Up | Stop By

Try Out | Fix Up | End Up | Go After | Stick With

Tell On | Drop Out | Run Over | Deal With

Eat Out | Go Ahead | Hang Around | Turn Up | Wash Up

Dress Up | Fit In | Pass By | Take Off

Fall Out | Break Up | Butt In | Let Down | Make Up

Freeze Over | Brighten Up | Cloud Over | Clear Up | Cool Down

Put By | Cut Down | Get On With | Sort Out

Speak Up | Cut Off | Get Over | Get Through | Hang On

Take After | Run Into| Go Through | Break Into | Pick Out

Turn Into | Look Down On | Put Up With | Call Off | Get Away With

Look Back | Add Up | Drop In | Get Out Of | Put Down

See Off | Get Away | Come Across | Go Over | Put Off

Think Over | Come Apart | Back Up | Break Down | Take Up

Fit Together | Advise Against | Allow For | Eat Into

Cross Off | Come Around | Figure Out | Give Up | Go Out With

Point Out | Go On | Carry Out | Pick Up | Come Up

Set Out | Take Over | Take On | Carry On | Take Out

Go Off | Bring Up | Put Out | Look Out For | Hold Up

Come Down With | Fall Apart | Look For | Drop Off | Fill Out

Tell Off | Abide By | Be After | Get Around To

Boil Over | Press On | Give Away | Sum Up

Mess Up | Send For | Drop By | Reel In

Look Into | Put On | Get Across | Fall For

Kick Back | Fill Up | Straighten Out | Cover For | Go Under

Aim At | Dry Up | Screen Out | Tie Up | Grow Into

Reach Out To | Wrap Up | Ask For | Grow On | Have In

Sign Up | Bring Around | Knock Back | Stick By | Answer For

Fend Off | Play With | Fight Back | Zero Out | Wind Up

Turn Down | Usher In | Throw Out | Blow Away | Bring Along

Open Up | Turn To | Talk Over | Hold On | Check Out

Jump At | Opt For | Vamp Up | Go Along With | Rule Out

Hold Back | Draw Up | Step Down | Pass On | Make Up