What can we do together?

If you're wondering what kinds of things I do in my classes then you're in the right place. Take a look around, but keep in mind these are just ideas. Our classes are always your time, so if there's a particular way that you'd like to work that you can't find here, please let me know.


Business English

This is the core of what I do. The most popular class type that I offer and the way I work with most people. If you're trying to improve the way that you communicate at work and you're not sure where to start, start here.


Video focus

If you want to increase your understanding of spoken English, whether in a specific accent or across many accents, then building our classes around videos is a great way to do that. Click here to find out more.


Article focus

Working with articles is probably the best way to improve your reading. We can work with articles made especially for English learners and improvers, or with real world articles made with native and advanced speakers in mind. Take a look.


Job interview coaching

One of the things that I enjoy doing most is helping people succeed in job interviews! I can help you craft great answers to common and scary job interview questions, turn your experiences into great answers, and make sure that every answer that you give is perfectly built to get you hired.


Grammar focus

If there are one or two grammar points that you really can't quite grasp then maybe a grammar focus class is for you. A good hard, deep dive, into a specific grammar point.


Phrasal verbs and idioms

These are usually the last things that parts of the English language that people learn. If you want to find out how we can add some idioms and phrasal verbs to your vocabulary, click here.


IELTS test preparation

If you're planning to take the IELTS test and aiming for a 6.5 or higher, then I can help. Click here to find out how we can work together.